Our educational services are curated with reliability and transparency. We offer a variety of online courses that go into depth on the diverse aspects of Ayurveda. At HealthAyu we believe in interaction as a form of progression and have created a platform for young researchers and doctors to submit research papers and get more involved in the field.Our doctors are graduates from the Gampaha Wickramarachchi Ayurveda Institute,University of kalaniya and the Institute of Indigenous Medicine, University of Colombo.
Share your knowledge with the rest of the world through our platform for budding knowledge and showcase it to the world.
Our online courses are curated with the goal of establishing correct and reliable information about indigenous medicine and the likes of Ayurveda.
ExploreResearch is a quest for knowledge through diligent search or investigation or experimentation aimed at the discovery and interpretation of new knowledge.
The philosophical approach to research is basically of two types: empirical and theoretical. Health research mainly follows the empirical approach.
Ayurveda give holistic approach to health and personalized medicine. Ayurveda is one of oldest medical system in this world with lot of medicinal concepts and Hypothesis.
Auyrveda has lot of successful treatment procedure with who fail morden medicinal cure.
Unfortunatly due to lack of scientific validation in various concepts and medicine, this wounderful gift from our ancestors is trailing.
That’s why evidence-based research is highly needed for globle recognition and acceptance of Ayurveda in today and future.
“ helthayu “ recognized this issues and try to Help our researches to achieve This goal.
Our Ayurvedic treatments resonate with the sounds of nature and provide our clients with a blissful and healing experience that is unmatched. We help you synchronize your breath with your body yielding the best body- Prana- mind healing by including or excluding “Panchakarma” whilst practicing an integrated approach.
Bring out your inner beauty and detoxify your body while restoring wellbeing of your body in a spiritual environment. Our Ayurvedic beauty treatments are sourced 100% from natural herbs making it a safe and cost effective treatment. It rejuvenates your skin, hair, figure,teeth,nail and mind leaving behind a healthy glow.
Tantalize your taste buds with cooking done the right way. Modernity may have restricted our knowledge on the use of herbs and spices as a way of natural healing. Learn more about how to utilize our island’s natural resources for the betterment of your way of life and wellbeing. We help you understand better the nutirents needed for a healthy life.